AWS 2003
Видео CLOSING presents Waffa Badr as the opening performer. I loved her “Do-wop guys”! (This is what I call those background dancers that often are a part of the show, enhancing the performances of the prima danseuse.) They were very good and worked with her beautifully. Waffa is a bit lazy compared to most of the dancers in this video set. She has just one dance on the video and it is good, but not up to the standards that are set by the others. Maybe she was having an off night, because it is obvious that she has talent. She is a pretty and feminine dancer.
Waffa wore a simple dress in gold and some sheer material with sequin work. One of the things that I notice occasionally with the Egyptian dancers is that they seem to be attracted to a costume, but do not necessarily think about what it might look like on THEM!! Waffa had what I refer to as the” Egyptian line of demarcation”, meaning panty lines for days!!! I have seen this same thing on Dina, Fifi and several others. My purpose in pointing this out is to show a difference in general attitudes about costuming between the western professional dancer who would expect every aspect of her costuming to be perfect in every way (think Jillina), and the Egyptian professional (think Fifi) who might stuff herself into a dress that is too small and allows you to count the cellulite bumps on her tease (rear-end)!! It is a matter of attitude and is neither right nor wrong, but I think this same attitude is also reflected in the relaxed ease with which Egyptians do the dance, while westerners for the most part must struggle to get that “just right” Egyptian feel to their work.
Waffa did a good duet with a Sudani singer. ( He might be the same guy that we saw some years ago on one of Dina’s videos.) This gentleman moves really well, and they were great together. Waffa did some nice shoulder work that was shown to good advantage in the dance. She was accompanied by the Do-wop Guys and she got the audience involved. The Guys really broke loose and had a blast dancing with the crowd.