SUFI There are innumerable Muslims in the world who actively use movement, rhythm and chanting as an extension of prayer. Sufis (meaning "mystics" or also "those who wear wool", in Arabic) are Muslims who use artistic ritual to help reach a state of knowledge or trance. The goal is to have an active experience of God "Allah" or Peace "Salaam". The movements are primarily swaying, spinning, bobbing, turning and tossing. Sometimes the energy swells to a point of abandon and emotive release. The rhythm is essential in propelling the meditative motions. Drumming and Percussion are the main catalysts. The beat can also given by rhythmic chanting. These chants can be as simple as repeating the name of God "Allah" or as complex as a hymn or sung poem. Regardless of religious affiliation, the Sufi ceremony can be done by any group using unified movement, and lead by a strong rhythm that accelerates until it reaches an ecstatic climax.
Karim Nagi performs on the Duff (frame drum)